(Sales, Purchase, & Inventory)

A Unified ERP System for Sales, Purchases and Inventory Management

Like the other products, PRISM SPI is also a web-based System. It is a comprehensive system that can easily be customized to streamline your sales, purchases, and Inventory in the best possible way.

Sales Module

Enhance your sales order cycle by ensuring the smooth handling of customer requests and the punctual delivery of products and services.

PRISM Sales Module Offering Features

Sales Module

Sales Quotation Customer Wise: Create personalized sales quotations tailored to individual customers, ensuring accuracy and relevance in your sales process.

Sales Order Management

Efficiently manage sales orders from creation to fulfillment, ensuring timely delivery and customer satisfaction.

Sales Quotation

Generate detailed sales quotations with pricing, terms, and conditions for prospective customers, facilitating the sales negotiation process.

Delivery Challan

Create and manage delivery challans to track goods delivered to customers accurately and efficiently.


Easily search and filter sales data to retrieve specific information and gain insights into sales performance.

Customer Management

Maintain comprehensive customer profiles, including contact information, purchase history, and preferences, to personalize interactions and improve customer relationships.

Warehouse Management

Track inventory levels across multiple warehouses, ensuring optimal stock availability to fulfill customer orders promptly.

Recurring Sales Invoice

Set up recurring sales invoices for regular customers, automating invoicing processes and ensuring timely billing.

Advanced Customer Statement

Generate detailed customer statements with transaction histories, outstanding balances, and payment reminders, facilitating transparent communication and efficient debt management.

Customer Reports

Generate various reports to analyze sales performance, customer trends, and profitability, empowering informed decision-making.

Customer Aging

Monitor customer payment behavior and identify overdue accounts with aging analysis reports, enabling proactive credit management and risk mitigation.

Multiple Reports

Access a wide range of customizable reports to analyze sales data, track key performance indicators, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Purchase Module

Simplify the purchase order workflow from inception to approval, guaranteeing timely procurement of goods and services.

PRISM Purchase Module Offering Features

Purchase Order Management

Streamline the purchase order process from creation to approval, ensuring timely procurement of goods and services.

Purchase Quotation

Request and compare quotations from suppliers to negotiate the best prices and terms for your purchases.

Reorder Management

Set up reorder points for inventory items to automate replenishment processes and avoid stockouts.

Supplier Management

Maintain a comprehensive database of suppliers, including contact information, terms, and performance metrics, to streamline procurement processes and build strong supplier relationships.

Advance to Supplier

Record and track advances paid to suppliers for future orders, ensuring transparency and accountability in financial transactions.


Maintain comprehensive customer profiles, including contact information, purchase history, and preferences, to personalize interactions and improve customer relationships.

Supplier Aging

Monitor supplier payment timelines and identify overdue payments with aging analysis reports, enabling proactive cash flow management and supplier relationship management.

Inventory Management Module

PRISM Purchase handles everything from item creation to inventory optimization and transfer management, ensuring comprehensive management for your needs!

PRISM Inventory Management Module Offering Features

Multiple Warehouse Management

Manage inventory across multiple warehouses or locations, ensuring optimal stock levels and efficient order fulfillment.

Item Creation

Create and maintain detailed item records, including descriptions, categories, and pricing, to facilitate accurate inventory tracking and management.

Item Adjustment

Record and track inventory adjustments, such as stock additions, transfers, and write-offs, ensuring data accuracy and integrity.

Inventory Optimization

Optimize inventory levels to minimize carrying costs while ensuring adequate stock availability to meet customer demand.

Order Entry

Streamline order entry processes with intuitive interfaces and customizable workflows, reducing order processing time and errors.

Transfer Management

Manage inter-warehouse transfers efficiently, ensuring seamless movement of goods and accurate inventory records.

Gate Pass

Generate gate passes for goods leaving or entering the premises, enabling tight security and control over inventory movements.


Transform your sales, purchase, and inventory management with PRISM S.P.I from HDK Solutions Pvt Ltd. Contact us today to schedule a demo or learn more about how PRISM S.P.I can drive efficiency and growth for your business.

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